Two Offerings of Interest Coming up on November 16!

Posted on | Events

We are excited to share that Wild Ones NoVA Seedling Chapter founder Melinda Soltys is participating in a Nature Forward Conservation Cafe panel discussion about low-impact landscaping and HOAs hosted by nature writer and Humane Gardener founder Nancy Lawson. 

The online Conservation Cafe starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 16.

The program is a fundraiser for Nature Forward ($10-15 registration) and will be recorded; a link to view the recording will be shared with all event registrants. 

This program falls on the same evening as the national Wild Ones presentation, “The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants” with Neil Diboll and Hilary Cox, which will also be recorded.

To register for the Nature Forward Conservation Cafe, go to:

To register for The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants, go to:

If you register for both events, you have the option to attend one event live and view the recording of the other. Both events are highly recommended!