Chapter members and guests gathered in Powhatan on Saturday, Nov. 2, to visit our host, Chapter Secretary Laura Lemmon, and see the wide variety of native plants she has been incorporating on her property. (A resident bunny rabbit also put in a brief appearance, testifying to approval of the woodline plantings by the local wildlife!)
It’s hard to beat a nice walkabout on a gorgeous fall day in Virginia with the trees in good color and a knowledgeable host. Laura made us all very welcome, providing a delightful tour and the option to collect seeds from available native plants. Attendees were able to pick up additional native seeds for winter sowing (and some plants) that Laura and other members made available on a “seed swap table” set up for the event. Refreshments and casual discussion on the deck after the tour capped a treat of a day.
Here, Laura points out some plants along the woodline.