Registration is open for the October 7 workshop on Winter Sowing Protocols for Virginia Native Perennials

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This timely, in-person workshop is open to the public. One of Henrico County’s award-winning native plant gardeners, Chris Migliaccio will show participants how to collect, prepare, and sow native plant seeds for Winter propagation and address how to care for them from seedling to soil. Chris will demonstrate use of all relevant materials and will bring seeds of up to a dozen straight native species to give away (as supplies last). Participants who want to bring seeds home should bring a Sharpie (or similar marker) and several sealable plastic snack-size bags or letter-size envelopes. (We will have a few extras on hand if you forget.)

In lieu of printed handouts, a PDF file with photos and text describing the protocols and setup will be shared digitally with all registered participants following the workshop. Once available, the PDF will also be posted to the chapter website’s “Topics” page. 

Registration is free, but seating is limited–please register today through Ticketleap, at the following link–