Mark Your Calendars, Invite Your Friends, and Reserve Your Seats! Three Events Coming up Soon

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These events are free and open to the public. Please use the links provided to reserve your spot. Have questions? Contact the chapter at [email protected].

FEBRUARY 17, 2024

The Eastern Bluebird: Getting Them Here, Getting Them to Stay

10:30–11:30 a.m.

Ginter Branch Library
1200 Westbrook Ave., Richmond, VA 23227

Come learn about the bird of which Henry David Thoreau wrote, “it carries the sky on his back.” This presentation by Virginia Bluebird Society President Valerie Kenyon Gaffney may just lead to a bluebird nest box in your backyard and a plastic shoebox of mealworms tucked among the fresh produce in your refrigerator.

Reserve your seat HERE:

Photos courtesy of Sharon Lamberton and Virginia Kenyon Gaffney.

MARCH 9, 2024

Establishing Native Plants from Seeds

1:00–2:00 p.m.

Gellman Room, Richmond Library (Main Branch) 101 E. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219

Growing native plants from seed? This presentation is for you! Join USDA Private Lands Biologist Bob Glennon to learn about how to determine which species are native in your area using the Digital Atlas of Virginia Flora; determining soil drainage on your site, developing appropriate mixes of native seeds; supplementing seeded plants with potted plants; native seed vendors; site preparation and seeding procedures; and managing common weed problems.

Reserve your seat HERE:

MARCH 16, 2024

Native Plants for a Small Garden

10:30–11:30 a.m.

West End Branch, Richmond Public Library
5420 Patterson Ave., Richmond, VA 23226

Many people would like to plant native plants in their yards but don’t have a lot of space. In this presentation, certified Virginia master naturalist Sheryl Smith highlights Virginia native plants that stay small and spread slowly, featuring perennial flowers along with some grasses, ferns, and shrubs. A handout will provide a description of each plant, what pollinators and baby butterflies/moths it supports, how to grow it, how big it gets, and other details.

In-person and hybrid/Zoom options are available for this event. Reserve your seat HERE: