

Winter Sowing Protocols for Virginia Native Perennials--with Chris Migliaccio

Monday, October 7th, 2024
to (Eastern Time)
West End Branch, Richmond Public Library, 5420 Patterson Ave, Richmond, VA, 23226 Map

Public Welcome Hands-On/How-To Workshop Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains

Winter sowing is a wonderful way to expand our native plant gardens. In this timely workshop, participants will learn how to collect, prepare, and sow native plant seeds for Winter propagation as well as how to care for them from seedling to soil. 

Chris will bring and demonstrate use of all relevant materials and will have some seeds to distribute. Participants should bring a Sharpie (or similar marker) and four (4) sealable plastic snack-size bags or four (4) letter-size envelopes to bring home seed. 

Registration is free, but seating is limited--please register today!


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