Conservation Landscaping Workshop (Co Hosted with RRUMC)
Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation Nature Walk/Hike Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Come and learn what you can do to make your landscape more sustainable and wildlife-friendly. Topics will include:
Native plants and their vital role in healthy ecosystems
Native plants of local ecotype vs. cultivars
Conservation landscapes serve many purposes (e.g. wildlife habitat, ease of maintenance, improved water quality, aesthetics, carbon storage, saving money)
Identification and removal methods for non-native invasive plants
Considerations in selecting a site for conservation landscaping
Site preparation to ensure success and minimize maintenance
Native plant communities and resources to select the native plants that will work for your purposes
Establishment and maintenance of a successful conservation landscape
The workshop will also include a walk to look at some native plants so come prepared with comfortable shoes, long pants, and sunscreen.